AgEc 606
Water Resource Economics
Fall 2015
AGLS 110
5:45 - 7:00 MW
Dr. Ron Griffin
Room 211, AGLS
Office: 845-xxxxx (cell phone w/o texting: 777-4434)
Please call my cell phone to make an appointment if you miss me at the office phone.
tamu email:
web site: moved to
Assistant: Ms. Zinn, Room 211, 845-2333
First Day: | August 31 |
1-page problem proposal: | October 5 |
Midterm Exam: | October 12 |
Final Exam: | November 11 |
Thanksgiving: | November 26-27 |
Last Class Day: | December 9 |
Problem Report Due: | December 14 (by 3:30) |
To be distributed for free by Dr. Griffin. This is a forthcoming but not yet published second edition. Students will receive a printed copy of the chapters to be covered. Scanning is not allowed even for personal use.Griffin, Ronald C. Water Resource Economics: The Analysis of Scarcity, Policies, and Projects. 2nd ed. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2016.
Water scarcity is a common situation in much of the world, and its importance is steadily rising. Economically derived insights and tools have much to contribute to the solution of this public problem. The purpose of this course is to provide a working knowledge of water resource economics for future water managers and planners as well as for students wishing to improve their comprehension of these problems. Policy options will be examined. Analytical tools for performing policy and project assessment will be identified and applied. Rather than attempting to develop expertise in each of these subjects, course objectives are to establish points of access to this material, so that students have a basis for comprehending problems, initiating contemporary solutions, providing leadership, and interacting with other professionals and consultants in water management positions.
Homework: | 10 pts |
Problem proposal: | 5 pts |
Exam 1: | 25 pts |
Exam 2: | 20 pts |
Adopted problem presentation: | 15 pts |
Adopted problem Report: | 25 pts |
100 pts |
The proposal is a completion grade: turning it in on time nets the 5 points, and getting it approved before November 1 retains those points. Late homework is -25%, up to 24 hours late; -100% if later. The presentation is gauged on the basis of its organization and its educational value. The report is separately evaluated in the following areas: thoroughness and correctness of investigation (10 points); incorporation of water resource economics (5 points); and style, communication, and citation (10 points). All reports are expected to be original and will be submitted to the university's plagiarism (read this) checking service. Late reports are -10% during the first 36 hours of being late.
Topic List
Week | ~# of Classes | Topic |
1 | 1 | Introduction to course and the scarcity problem setting |
2-3 | 3 | Tools for static water analysis (e.g. supply & demand things, efficiency, rivalness, conservation) |
3-4 | 4 | Tools for dynamic water analysis (e.g. discounting, NPV, depletion) |
5-6 | 3 | Institutional economics applied to water & water law |
6 | 1 | Basics of water policy analysis |
7 | – Midterm Exam – | |
8 | 2 | Cost-benefit analysis of water projects |
9 | 2 | Water marketing |
10 | 2 | Water pricing and rate making |
11 | – Final Exam – | |
12 | Assembling tools | |
12-14 | Adopted Problem Presentations | |
15 | Final | Written Reports on Problem Adoptions due in lieu of a 3rd exam |